Hanger fence

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Price: €26.70

Regular price: €29.67

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Children's hanger Płotek is a charming wooden hanger with an idyllic character, perfect for hanging a children's gym bag, backpack or other important child's belongings. This decorative hanger will perfectly match the shelves of houses or other Bambooko decorations. Hanger with simple hooks (photo with red cap).

The Płotek children's hanger will be perfect for every child's room, regardless of their gender.

Hanger for children The fence is made entirely of wood and is a handmade product.


All children's hangers and other products made by Bambooko are hand-made from natural wood and painted with certified, completely safe paint for children's toys.

Photo interiors Monika Byczkowska photography & www.szafatosi.pl



        The product was made according to an original idea and design, to which the exclusive copyrights - property and non-property - are owned by the Bambooko company.

            The right to use a Bambooko product is legally protected in Poland and throughout the European Union in accordance with Council Regulation (EC) No. 6/2002 of December 12, 2001 on Community Designs.

            The buyer of the product does not acquire the rights to the design, utility model of the product or the right to copy it.

            Copying or imitating the product violates the rights of Bambooko and is prohibited by law in accordance with Art. 3 sec. 2 and art. 13. sec. 1 of the Act of April 16, 1993 on Combating Unfair Competition (Journal of Laws of 2003, No. 153, item 1503, as amended), under the sanction of civil liability pursuant to Art. 18 and criminal liability - a fine, restriction of liberty or imprisonment for up to 2 years - pursuant to Art. 24 above the law.

            Please inform us about any infringement of copyrights, utility model rights or imitation of Bambooko products by sending a message to the following address: sklep@bambooko.eu or by phone at 508-631-666


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